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BIO 260: Modes of Scientific Communication

Workshop Agenda - Spring 2018

Topics to be Covered

1. Tour of library home page

2. Sign up for Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

3. Using WestSearch, Databases, and Google Scholar 

4. Finding known references from bibliographies


Recommended Databases


  • WestSearch may be good place to start to find a few full-text articles to start you off. 
    • Limit your results to peer-reviewed.
    • Remember, this source prioritizes content we have in full-text.  You will need to go deeper than that.
  • If you see a certain database come up repeatedly, a search in that database might be helpful.
    • Many of the databases are pre-limited to full-text.  Be sure to uncheck that box to get abstracts and citations.
  • Set up your Library Links in Google Scholar to get the most out of it (if you are working off-campus.)
    • The links to WCSU full-text will usually take you right to the article, but you can drill down if they don't.
    • Use Journal Finder to double-check those with no links or citations from bibliographies.
  • Google Scholar has some huge advantages: links to bibliographies for articles, links to related articles.
  • Keep ILL open in another tab to make it easy to copy and paste citation info for requests.
    • Be sure to check Journal Finder before making requests!
Be patient and stay organized.  Consider creating a spreadsheet with the citation info for articles you find with added notes!