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Circulation Policies

Loan Periods

  • WCSU books - initial 28 day loan, with one renewal for 28 days
  • WCSU media - including DVDs. Cds, and VHS tapes - 14 days, with no renewal
  • WCSU Reserves - loan periods vary, i.e. one hour and closed are in-house use only, overnight, 3 day.
  • other CSCU libraries - loan periods may vary depending on material category; see below for more information
    • Undergraduates: initial 28 day loan, with one renewal for 28 days
    • Masters Graduate students: initial 28 day loan, with one renewal for 28 days
    • Doctoral Graduate students: initial 120 day loan, with auto renewals
    • Faculty: initial 120 day loan, with auto renewals

Borrowing from other CSCU Libraries

Faculty, staff and students at any of the 17 Connecticut State College and University (CSCU) campuses may use the library collection at any of the other campuses, either by visiting these libraries in person or by requesting their local campus library to obtain materials for them. If you visit another library in person, please be sure to bring a valid ID if you wish to check out material.

CSCU faculty, staff and students may request books electronically through WestSearch, the Connecticut State University Library System. CSCU faculty, staff and students may request books from the other CSCU Libraries by selecting Request Book at the full record in WestSearch. 

For books and materials outside of the CSCU system, please consult the Interlibrary Loan page.

Guest Borrowers

WCSU Alumni

Special library privileges are available to alumni who have an active membership in the WCSU Alumni Association. To utilize these privileges, alumni must present their active Life Member alumni card at the library. The Life Member alumni card is free and does not expire*.   

Active alumni have the following library privileges:  

  • Use of library computers for an unlimited time during library hours, depending on availability. Current students always have priority.  
  • Borrow up to ten books (excluding audiovisual materials, journals and interlibrary loan services).  
  • Utilize all library materials within the library.  
  • Access to remote databases from a library computer, not from home or the wireless network. Wireless device access is not available at this time.  
  •  Scanning to a flash drive or email account is available.  

*Not an active member of the WCSU Alumni Association? Activate your membership today and start receiving these and other special alumni services.  The Alumni Association is open Monday – Friday, from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Call (203) 837-8298 to sign up over the phone, or visit the office in Old Main, room 302, on the third floor.  

WestConn Society

Library cards are available to individuals by joining the WestConn Society. A member may borrow a maximum of 10 books at any given time from our circulating collections. Interlibrary loan and remote use of article databases are not included. For more information, contact Institutional Advancement.


The Council of Connecticut Academic Library Directors, has arranged for borrowing privileges for faculty and staff at participating academic libraries in Connecticut. Under this arrangement, the faculty or staff member completes the borrowing agreement form at his or her institution's library, agreeing to personally comply with the policies of the lending library, and the form is then signed by the "home" library director or a designee. After presenting the agreement form to the lending library's Circulation Department, the faculty or staff member is then allowed to borrow up to three items. All items must be returned before additional materials may be borrowed.

The faculty or staff borrower assumes personal responsibility for fines and/or replacement fees according to the stated policies of the lending library. For further details, contact the Access Services Librarian for the WCSU Libraries at (203) 837-9102 or at your respective academic library. CCALD Reciprocal Borrowing Program


Community members without library cards may use, in-house, the book and periodical collections. Visitors may also use WestSearch and databases at no charge, subject to the Public Workstation Use Policy. 

Food and Drink Policy

Food and Drink Policy

Haas Library (midtown): All food must be consumed in the designated dining area on the first floor. Beverages may be enjoyed in other areas of the library provided they are in covered containers. 

Young Library (westside): No food permitted. Beverages may be enjoyed in all areas of the library provided they are in covered containers. 

Public Workstation Policies

1. The General Public has access only to Workstations designated as Public Workstations.

2. Persons who are at least 18 years of age may use Public Workstations in the Library. An adult must accompany persons under the age of 18.

3. Each guest MUST present a valid photo ID every time access is requested.

4. Use of Public Workstations is limited to 30 minutes per patron per day.

5. NO PRINTING is available from the Public Workstations.

6. Public Workstations must not be used for any of the following:

  • Violation of United States or Connecticut law including copyright laws and licensing agreements. If such violations are suspected, the Library staff will contact the appropriate authorities.
  • Downloading of computer viruses, text files, software, executable files, databases, or similar "live" technology to Library disk drives with the sole exception of records from WestSearch - which may be downloaded to a thumb drive.
  • Modification or destruction of Library hardware, software or data including display and desktop configurations.
  • Attempted evasion of system and network security measures.

7. The Library will regularly delete files from the system and network drives.

8. The Library assumes no responsibility for damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its computer and network facilities.

9. Library patrons who violate this policy will have their access limited or terminated.

10. Anyone who falls asleep, plays audio without headphones, talks loudly, or causes any disruption will be asked to leave.  The Library reserves the right to prohibit violators from future access to or use of the Library’s online services.

Please Note: CSCU Students, faculty and staff who have CSCU network accounts have priority in use of all Library workstations
including those designated as Public Workstations.


Approved by the Library Faculty & ITC June 23, 2000.

Selection of Materials & Gifts

Materials Selection

Each academic department at Western Connecticut State University is allocated an amount of money for each fiscal year, based on a formula developed over time by the WCSU Libraries. Professors within each department may submit requests to the department's chairperson, who is responsible for prioritizing and approving them. After selections have been approved by the chairperson, they are forwarded to the Collection Development Librarian for review.

Reference materials are selected by the Reference Librarian, based on the recommendations of library and teaching faculty. A small general fund is reserved each year for the WCSU Librarians to select materials of general and/or inter-disciplinary nature, or of professional interest to librarians.

Gifts & Donations of Materials

WCSU Libraries welcome gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that such gifts must meet the standards required of purchased materials as set forth in the Libraries' Collection Development Policy.  Those considering donation of material to the Libraries should contact the Acquisitions Librarian for further information. 

Serials Policies

Circulation of Materials

Serials do not circulate and must be used in the libraries.  You are welcome to scan material - scanners are available on the first floor of the Haas Library, and at the Young Library.


Due to space limitations, the Ruth A. Haas Library retains paper issues of daily newspapers only for one month.  Earlier issues may be available online or on microfilm.  Microfilm is held in filing cabinets on the third floor.  Micrographics reader/printer machines are available for making copies of microfilm and microfiche. We encourage users to scan the pages and save to disk to save paper, but printing is also available free of charge. For help using the reader/printers, please ask in the Serials Office on the third floor. If the Serials Office is closed, you may inquire at the Reference Desk on the first floor.


If WCSU does not subscribe to the periodical you need, you may obtain needed material via Interlibrary Loan.  Please allow at least ten days for delivery.  In most cases, Interlibrary Loan service is free, but if you are in a hurry, faster document delivery service is available for a reasonable fee.

Copyright Policy

The WCSU Libraries follow the copyright guidelines expressed in the WCSU Faculty Handbook.

Use of Photocopiers

The WCSU Libraries provide photocopiers for student use. Compliance with the federal Copyright Act is each student's responsibility. The following message is posted at each of the library photocopiers:

NOTICE: The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The person using this equipment is liable for any infringement.
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