There are over 40 collections in the WCSU archives, covering topics from Student Government Association Records (RG 5.15) to the Herndon Dowling Herpetological Collection (MS 059). There's also multiple ways to find out what we have:
Connecticut Archives Online (CAO) search brings researchers to primary source materials held in Connecticut’s libraries, universities, colleges, museums, and historical societies through one simple interface.
Once you find something you're interested in, click the "request" button. This will send an email to the archivists, letting them know you're interested in seeing those materials. We'll pull the boxes from the back room, and set up a time when you can come see them.
The Connecticut Room is, as the name suggests, a room full of books about Connecticut. It's also full of tables and chairs. It's generally where researchers sit and take notes. It's also where classes are held in the archives.
The WCSU Archives and Special Collections is located in the basement of Haas Library. It contains archival collections, rare books, and local history collections. Please come down and visit if you are interested in local history, or have a research topic concerning Danbury.
We use Uptime Robot to alert us to when a server has a hiccup. Their service checks on a sample page of each of the several services hosted on the Archives servers. If one of the services is down or slow to respond, Uptime Robot sends an alert email. You can also view the status page. You can see that our services became much more reliable after October 25, 2024--that's when we added 2gb of RAM to the server.