Remember that searching databases is really all about the WORDS you choose. Be creative and flexible and try to avoid long phrases and sentences. For example:
NO: how have immigration laws affected families?
YES: immigration AND law AND famil*
NO: should migrant workers be given temporary legal status?
YES: migrant workers AND temporary AND legal
NO: should illegal immigrants have access to health care resources?
YES: illegal AND immigra* AND health care
You may have noticed that some of the words in the example searches above are cut off before they end, and are finished with an asterisk (*). This is called truncation and makes the database search for ALL FORMS of the word you are looking for.
immigra* will retrieve immigration, immigrants, immigrate, immigrated, immigrant, etc.
famil* will retrieve family, families, familiar, familial, etc.
It's a great time saver!
This multi-disciplinary database has records for nearly 18,000 periodicals - journals, magazines, and newspapers - of which nearly 16,000 are peer reviewed. It provides full text for more than 5,000 journals, and you can use Journal Finder to locate articles that do not have a PDF readily available.
Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.
You will need to format your references/citation list in correct MLA format. Be aware that the databases will DO THIS FOR YOU! When you find articles that you want to use, look for a CITE THIS button and print out/copy/save the citation in MLA format.