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Immigration Debate: Search for more

Searching Tips!

Remember that searching databases is really all about the WORDS you choose.  Be creative and flexible and try to avoid long phrases and sentences. For example:

NO: how have immigration laws affected families?
YES: immigration AND law AND famil*

NO: should migrant workers be given temporary legal status?
YES: migrant workers AND temporary AND legal

NO: should illegal immigrants have access to health care resources?
YES: illegal AND immigra* AND health care

What's with the *?

You may have noticed that some of the words in the example searches above are cut off before they end, and are finished with an asterisk (*).  This is called truncation and makes the database search for ALL FORMS of the word you are looking for.


immigra*  will retrieve immigration, immigrants, immigrate, immigrated, immigrant, etc.

famil* will retrieve family, families, familiar, familial, etc.

It's a great time saver!

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Ask Veronica

  • Veronica Kenausis
  • 203-837-8818

Formatting Tip!

You will need to format your references/citation list in correct MLA format.  Be aware that the databases will DO THIS FOR YOU!  When you find articles that you want to use, look for a CITE THIS button and print out/copy/save the citation in MLA format.