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Finding Items in the Library

How to locate the books, media, and printed articles you find in your research.

Call Letters

Library of Congress Classification System

The main collections in the WCSU Libraries are organized using the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) classification system. This system was first developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to organize and arrange the book collections of the Library of Congress and was subsequently adopted for use by other libraries, especially large academic libraries.

The system divides all knowledge into twenty-one basic classes, each identified by a single letter of the alphabet. Most of these alphabetical classes are further divided into more specific subclasses, identified by two-letter, or occasionally three-letter, combinations. For example, class N, Art, has subclasses NA, Architecture; NB, Sculpture, ND, Painting; as well as several other subclasses, etc.

Other collections in the Libraries use different classification systems, such as the Dewey Decimal Classification used in the Curriculum Collection, and SuDocs Numbers used in the Government Documents Collection.

Parts of the above were adapted from text on the LOC website.

Here is a basic breakdown of the classes:

Please note: Circulating books A-N are on the 4th floor of the Haas Library; P-Z are on the 5th floor. Business-related books are in Young Library on the westside campus.

A       General Works  Haas 4th Floor
AE Encyclopedias
AG Dictionaries
AI Indexes
AY Almanacs, Yearbooks, Directories

B Philosophy*Psychology*Religion Haas 4th Floor
B-BJ Philosophy, including
BF Psychology
BJ Ethics
BL-BX Religion, including
BS Bible

C Auxiliary Sciences of History Haas 4th Floor
CB History of Civilization & Culture
CC Archaeology
CD Archives
CJ Numismatics
CR Heraldry
CS Genealogy
CT Biography

D History: General & Old World Haas 4th Floor
(including geography of individual countries)
D World History, including World Wars
DA Great Britain
DAW Central Europe
DB Austria
DC France
DD Germany
DE Greco-Roman World
DF Greece
DG Italy, Rome
DJK Eastern Europe
DK Russia, former Soviet Republics, Poland
DP Spain and Portugal
DQ Switzerland
DR Turkey and Balkan States
DS Asia, Middle East
DT Africa
DU Oceania

E History--America Haas 4th Floor
E1-143 America (General)
E 51-99 Indians of North America
E 151-857 United States (General)
E 184.M5 Mexican American
E 185 Afro-Americans
E 201-298 Revolutionary War
E 456-655 Civil War
E 740- Twentieth Century

F History--Americas Haas 4th Floor
F 1-957 United States: States and Local
F 1203-1409 Mexico
FC Canada

G Geography*Anthropology*Folklore*Recreation Haas 4th Floor
G Geography (General)
GB Physical Geography
GC Oceanography
GE Environmental Sciences
GF Human Ecology
GN Anthropology
GR Folklore
GT Manners and Customs, Holidays
GV Recreation (Sports, Dance)

H Social Sciences Haas 4th Floor
HM Sociology
HQ Family, Marriage, Sexual Life, Woman, Feminism
HV Social/Public Welfare, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, Criminology
HX Socialism, Communism, Anarchism

J Political Science Haas 4th Floor
JA-JC Political Science
JF-JQ Constitutional History and Public Administration
JS Local Government
JX International Law
JZ International Relations

K Law, Civil Rights Haas 4th Floor
KE Law of Canada
KEO Law of Ontario

L Education Haas 4th Floor

M Music Haas 4th Floor
M Scores
ML Literature of Music
MT Musical instruction & study

N Fine Arts Haas 4th Floor
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Graphic Arts
ND Painting
NE Print Media
NK Decorative Arts

P Language and Literature Haas 5th Floor
P Philology and Linguistics
PA Classical Languages and Literatures
PC Romance Languages
PD-PF Germanic Languages, including
PE English Language
PG Slavic Languages and Literatures
PJ-PL Oriental Languages and Literatures
PN General and Comparative Literature
PQ Romance Literatures, Spanish Literature
PR English Literature
PS American Literature
PS 8000+ Canadian, English & French, Literature
PT Germanic Literature
PZ Fiction in English*Juvenile Literature

Q Science Haas 5th Floor
QA Mathematics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural History, Ecology
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human Anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology

R Medicine Haas 5th Floor
RA Public Aspects of Medicine, Death
RC Internal Medicine, Practice of Medicine
RD Surgery
RG Pregnancy, Childbirth, Gynecology
RJ Pediatrics
RM Therapeutics, Pharmacology, Diet Therapy
RT Nursing
RX Homeopathy

S Agriculture*Conservation Haas 5th Floor
SB Plant Culture & Horticulture
SD Forestry
SF Animal Culture
SH Fish Culture & Fisheries
SK Hunting Sports

T Technology Haas 5th Floor
TA General Engineering, including General Civil Engineering
TC Hydraulic Engineering
TD Sanitary and Municipal Engineering
TE Highway Engineering
TF Railroad Engineering
TG Bridge Engineering
TH Building Construction
TJ Mechanical Engineering
TK Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
TL Motor Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics
TN Mining Engineering, Mineral Industries, Metallurgy
TP Chemical Technology
TR Photography
TS Manufactures
TT Handicrafts, Arts & Crafts, Fashion, Sewing
TX Home Economics, Cookery

U Military Science Haas 5th Floor
UG Space Warfare

V Naval Science Haas 5th Floor

Z Bibliography*Word Processing*Library Science Haas 5th Floor
ZA Information Resources, Internet, Etc.