Located on the third floor of the Ruth A. Haas Library on the Midtown Campus! The Writing Center assists students with writing and formatting their papers no matter what discipline they're coming from or what topic they're writing about.
Click Here to be taken to the Writing Center's website.
Click Here to be taken to their appointment booking system. Note: The Writing Center asks that you reserve at least one hour between the end of your appointment and the due-time of your assignment.
Visit the Writing Center for free, one-to-one help with all your writing projects. We provide resources, strategies and techniques across disciplines and genres that help you improve your writing.
We will work with you in person or online at any stage of your writing process, from understanding your purpose and brainstorming ideas to discovering revision strategies. We can help you with:
Dictionaries in 5 languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian.
Online version of the popular dictionary.
This glossary of poetic terms is produced and maintained, with free access, by the Poetry Foundation.
In-depth, original profiles combined with full-text articles, page images, and abstracts from the complete range of source material (including biographical profiles, feature articles, interviews, essays, book reviews, performance reviews, speeches, or obituaries). Biography Reference Bank offers a breadth and depth of information you’ll find in no other biography database. It covers over 500,000 people and includes over 36,000 images!
Indexes critical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, and folklore. Includes journal articles, series, monographs, dissertations, bibliographies, proceedings and other materials.
A free, public-access handbook for writers, designed and maintained by students and faculty at the University of Richmond. Includes a section on documentation.
Audio and text of the 100 top-rated American public speeches of the 20th century, in rank order of popularity.
MagillOnLiterature Plus provides access to literary works, reviewed critical analyses, and brief plot summaries tas well as all the biographies and author essays.
OpenDissertations now includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database with records for more than 1.2 million electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. Full text of dissertations available by clicking on URL in each record to link to participating institution's digital collection.
Project Syndicate provides syndicated news analyses and commentaries from around the world. The organization receives support from the Gates Foundation and the European Climate Foundation with the goal of supporting the growth of global independent news media.
Full text of the magazine Vital Speeches of the Day, a monthly collection of the best speeches in the world, published since 1934.