Scholarly Sources are authored by academics, experts in their field of study, usually affiliated with a college or university and are intended to be read by academic audiences such as professors, researchers, and students. Scholarly Articles are published in journals by a scholarly press or organization and have a narrow scope or are limited to a specific field of study with the goal of promoting scholarly research.
These sources have been edited by other experts in the field before publication, you'll often see them referred to as peer reviewed.
Below is a list of databases that contain journals, articles, and research related to Finance.
Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.
Premier world-wide business periodicals for information on advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers, and more with nearly half full-text. Also, information on 60,000+ companies.
Nexis Uni (formerly called LexisNexis Academic) provides full-text access to over 15,000 national and international news sources, business news, the Company Dossier, legal news and law review articles, It contains legal sources including Federal and State court cases, federal and state laws and regulations and access to Shepard's Citations service.
Information on companies varies greatly depending on the type of company. Use a directory to determine whether a company is public, private, non-profit or non-U.S.
There is a great deal of information available on companies which trade on the stock market - SEC filings, annual reports, analysts' reports, news stories, books and case studies.
Information on private companies is usually limited to brief information in directories, news stories, and sometimes books. All 50 states make some level of corporate and business filings available online, see Secretaries of State Filings for links to the states.
The amount of information on international companies varies. If the company trades on the U.S. exchanges it must file annual reports (20-F) with the SEC. Other information can be found in directories, databases, newspapers and magazines.
Finances and other general information can be found in Form 990 which nonprofits must file with the IRS annually. Many are posted on the web at Some information can also be found in newspaper and journal articles.
Comprehensive, astute and easy to digest, IBISWorld's industry research reports offer the very latest content on every U.S. industry. Each report consists of 30 to 40 pages of key statistics and analysis on market characteristics, operating conditions, current and forecast performance, major industry participants and more.
The Capital IQ platform provides research, data, and analysis on private and public companies to help finance professionals perform an analysis. This analysis may support transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, as well as investment recommendations, such as those made by equity research.
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MarketLine is a leading provider of quality information on companies, industries and countries, offering a comprehensive and unique collection of information in a variety of user-friendly formats, including interactive reports and databases. Compiled by a global research team, these products are ideal for helping you build a thorough understanding of markets, whether you're researching for qualifications, jobs or business. You may also access Explorer from GlobalData through this link
Nexis Uni (formerly called LexisNexis Academic) provides full-text access to over 15,000 national and international news sources, business news, the Company Dossier, legal news and law review articles, It contains legal sources including Federal and State court cases, federal and state laws and regulations and access to Shepard's Citations service.