This multi-disciplinary database has records for nearly 18,000 periodicals - journals, magazines, and newspapers - of which nearly 16,000 are peer reviewed. It provides full text for more than 5,000 journals, and you can use Journal Finder to locate articles that do not have a PDF readily available.
MagillOnLiterature Plus provides access to literary works, reviewed critical analyses, and brief plot summaries tas well as all the biographies and author essays.
OpenDissertations now includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database with records for more than 1.2 million electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. Full text of dissertations available by clicking on URL in each record to link to participating institution's digital collection.
Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of high-quality academic content including including open access journals.
Search all EBSCO provided databases simultaneously.
Search all the ProQuest databases at the same time, including Dissertations, ABI, newspapers, criminal justice and more.
Basic Search: Preform a basic search by entering keywords into the search bar then clicking on the green search icon to the right of it.
Advanced Search: Select the “Advanced Search” tab located above the search bar to add filters and multiple keywords before you begin searching.
Boolean Logic & Filters: All ProQuest hosted databases allow you to narrow and expand your search using Boolean operators and filters. Access filters in the advanced search tab or on the left side of the results screen after performing a search.
Citation Tool: Create an auto-citation by clicking on an article or record then selecting the quotation mark icon labeled “Cite” in the top right corner of the record. Select the correct citation style from the drop-down menu, then copy it into your paper or directly into a citation manager.
Saving Records: There are many options to save a record or article, view them all by clicking on the “three dots” icon labeled “All Options” in the right corner when viewing a record. Save records to PDF, print them, email them, create a permalink, and more.
Search and view thousands of full text eBooks.
Dictionaries in 5 languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian.
Online version of the popular dictionary.
This glossary of poetic terms is produced and maintained, with free access, by the Poetry Foundation.
In-depth, original profiles combined with full-text articles, page images, and abstracts from the complete range of source material (including biographical profiles, feature articles, interviews, essays, book reviews, performance reviews, speeches, or obituaries). Biography Reference Bank offers a breadth and depth of information you’ll find in no other biography database. It covers over 500,000 people and includes over 36,000 images!
Indexes critical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, and folklore. Includes journal articles, series, monographs, dissertations, bibliographies, proceedings and other materials.
Watch the recorded tutorial below to see how a librarian would spend time finding scholarly articles for that kind of research paper.
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