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Old Guide to Nursing Research

Wildcards & Truncation

Using Wildcard (?) and Truncation (*) Symbols


Use the wildcard and truncation symbols to create searches where there are unknown characters, multiple spellings or various endings. Neither the wildcard nor the truncation symbol can be used as the first character in a search term.

? In Ebsco databases such as CINAHL, the wildcard is represented by a question mark (?). To use the wildcard, enter your search terms and replace each unknown character with a ?. EBSCOhost finds all citations of that word with the ? replaced by a letter.
EBSCOhost does not find net because the wildcard replaces a single character.
Truncation is represented by an asterisk (*). To use truncation, enter the root of a search term and replace the ending with an *. EBSCOhost finds all forms of that