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Old Guide to Nursing Research

When Asking Background Questions

Background questions ask for general knowledge of disease processes or clinical contexts; they ask "who, what, when, why, where or how" about a single disease, drug, intervention or concept. Secondary sources such as textbooks, nursing reference sources and review articles can provide relevant and reliable answers quickly.

Use Secondary Sources

Background questions usually require use of secondary sources, such as reference books, monographs, and articles presenting a summary of current knowledge about a topic provide excellent background information on a topic.

Examples of Background Questions/Topics

  • I need to find current information about the drug Warfarin.
  • I need to access clinical care guidelines for nursing care of patients with splenic trauma.
  • How do I find books on geriatric nursing care?
  • I need to consult a textbook on pediatric nursing care.
  • I need patient education materials on management of celiac disease.
  • I am writing a 5-page paper on the current nursing shortage.
  • What causes migraines?
  • How often should a woman over the age of 40 have a mammogram?