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Old Guide to Nursing Research

Choosing a Nursing Database

Use this guide to quickly determine which database to search based on your information need!

  • For books and/or eBooks use WestSearch, the library catalog.
  • For journal articles, use one of the following for nursing specific information: CINAHL, Medline, or PubMed.
  • For reference materials, such as diseases & conditions, skills & procedures, drug information, and patient education use Nursing Reference Center.

    CINAHL Complete

    • THE source for searching for and locating U.S. nursing peer-reviewed journal articles!
    • The world's most comprehensive source of full text for nursing (and allied health) journals.  Contents include: Indexes over 5300 journals with ~1400 full-text available, 250+ full text books and monographs, 100+ full text evidence-based care sheets, 150+ full text quick lessons, 160+ full text CEUs, and information for more than 350 research instruments.

    Nursing Reference Center

    • Best tool for nurses to use in a clinical setting. A nursing reference tool offering evidence-based decision support; 
    • Provides the best available and most-recent clinical evidence;
    • Covers conditions and diseases, skills and procedures, patient education materials, drug information, continuing education for nurses, lab and diagnosis information, best practice and standard of care guidelines;
    • Includes clinically organized quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, medical illustrations, nursing guides, research instruments, reference books, legal cases, and much more.