This portal provides access to ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center, an education database which indexes articles and documents) via EBSCO Information Sources, rather than through the US Department of Education website.
Basic Search: Preform a basic search by entering keywords into the search bar then clicking on the green "SEARCH" button.
Advanced Search: Click on the blue "Advanced Search" link below the search bar to add filters and multiple keywords before you begin searching.
Boolean Logic & Filters: All EBCSO hosted databases allow you to narrow and expand your search using Boolean operators and filters. Access them in the advanced search option or on the left side of the results screen.
Citation Tool: Access the citation tool by clicking on the title of an article or record, click on the file icon labeled "Cite" located in the "Tools" bar, then select the correct citation style from the dropdown menu.
Saving Records: All saving options can be seen by clicking on the title of an article, viewing the detailed record, then looking at the righthand bar labeled "Tools." EBSCO allows users to print, save PDFs, email articles and create permanent links to the record.
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is committed to making data available and easy to use. This site provides a first step in publicly reporting educational data so all interested parties can be better informed as they work to advance student achievement.