Once you locate articles or other resources, it is a good idea to save the information so that you will be able to retrieve it in an easy manner. This might involve keeping the bibliographic record (things like author, title, name of journal, volume and number), saving a URL, or saving the article itself. There are various ways to do this.
Below are examples of some of the data you want to save for future use
Books: author, title, publisher, year published, ISBN, and catalog number.
Articles: author, article title, journal title, year published, volume, number, and pages.
Websites: URL and page title.
Methods of saving information
- Use a citation management resource. Examples are Zotero, Mendeley, Refworks, and Endnote.
- Write it down by hand or copy/paste into a Word document
- Some journals and databases allow you to create an account and save info in a file, or send the information to yourself via email
- Bookmark websites
- Print or copy the actual material