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Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

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Interlibrary Loan

Frequently Asked Questions

What is interlibrary loan?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service which allows the libraries at WCSU to borrow materials from other libraries. Interlibrary Loan is based on a network of cooperative agreements which provide access to books and periodicals in the collections of over 13,000 libraries in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Europe. Document Delivery Service provides access to articles in about 20,000 periodicals, and to doctoral dissertations from 550 universities.

When should I use interlibrary loan?

You may request Interlibrary Loan service when the book you need is not available from the CSU Libraries, or when the article you need is not available from WCSU. Before requesting an Interlibrary Loan, please discuss your information needs with the librarian at the Reference Desk. We may be able to find other items which are currently available that may satisfy your information needs.

If the WestSearch catalog indicates that the item you need is available at one of the other CSCU Consoritum Libraries, you may request it electronically via Inter-Campus Loan. 

Who may use interlibrary loan?

WCSU students, faculty, and staff may use interlibrary loan service. Members of the public may use the CONSULS online catalog and other WCSU library resources on-site, but must use the interlibrary loan services of their public library.

How can I use interlibrary loan?

You must submit Interlibrary Loan requests electronically at the following address

What can be borrowed?

The WCSU Libraries will make every effort to fill requests for all types of material. However, most libraries will not lend the following types of items:

* Newly published books
* Bound volumes or single issues of periodicals (photocopies are sent)
* Reference and noncirculating books
* Media items (CDs, videotapes, records, etc.)
* Rare or valuable items, including manuscripts
* Bulky or fragile items which are difficult to ship

Government documents, dissertations, theses, microfilm, and microfiche may also be difficult to borrow from libraries outside the CSU system. Interlibrary Loan service is also subject to copyright restrictions.

How long does interlibrary loan take?

Under normal circumstances, most Interlibrary Loan requests are sent by our staff to the lending library within 24 hours of receiving them. However, during periods of heavy demand, processing may take longer.

After a request is sent, it normally takes 1-2 weeks for an item to be delivered. Article copies which are frequently delivered by electronic means are the exception.  Occasionally, Interlibrary Loan takes longer than 2 weeks, so please be sure to get an early start and allow plenty of time for delivery. We cannot guarantee delivery within a specific period of time. You will be notified by mail or e-mail as soon as the material arrives. Items must be picked up at the Circulation Desk at either the Ruth Haas Library or the Robert S. Young Business Library at the Westside Campus. Electronically delivered articles may be accessed from your desktop.

How long can I keep the material?

The loan period for books is established by the lending library and may vary from 2-4 weeks. The due date is indicated on the yellow paper band on the front cover. When a periodical article is requested, the lending library sends a photocopy which the borrower may keep. To maintain good relations with cooperating libraries, books borrowed via Interlibrary Loan should be returned to the WCSU circulation Desk on or before the due date.

Can I renew?

Some lending libraries allow Interlibrary Loan materials to be renewed, others do not. Please call the Interlibrary Loan Desk at 203-837-9114 before an item is due to inquire about renewing it.

Is there a limit?

Interlibrary Loan usage is heaviest during the last half of each semester. During peak load, you may be asked to prioritize your requests. The library staff will process the first five requests received per person per day. Additional requests from the same person will be processed as time permits.

Is there a fee?

The majority of books and approximately 75% of periodical articles received through Interlibrary Loan are provided by the lending libraries free of cost, but sometimes an item is only available from a library that charges. When there is a fee, the person requesting the item is responsible for paying it. The cost may vary from $10.00 to $25.00 depending on the policy of the library which lends the item.

On the Interlibrary Loan request form, please check off the maximum amount you are willing to pay if there is a fee for borrowing the item. The Interlibrary Loan Desk always tries first to get the item from a free source. When an item is not available free of charge, we use the least expensive source we can find. No purchase is made with first consulting the requestor.

What if I need a "rush" request?

With the use of new document delivery technology which allows us to receive article copies over the Internet, we are able to satisfy many requests in just two or three days of receipt of your order. There is no extra charge for this service.

For extreme "rush" situations which may involve commercial document suppliers or other delivery methods such as FAXing, please call the Interlibrary Loan Office at 203-837-9106 to discuss your needs. Substantial additional costs may be incurred which would have to be passed on to you.