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Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

Getting Started

This section has three parts as listed below. Finding an article is usually tied to looking in a journal. You might go right to an individual journal in some cases, or you might go to a database that contains thousands of journals and do a search through all of the journals.

  • Overview: Brief description of journals
  • WCSU Databases: List of databases relevant to ABA, education, and psychology. Databases usually contain thousands of items, such as journals and/or journal articles, books, reviews, and conference proceedings. Some contain full text of articles, while others do not. If they do not contain the fulltext, they may link to text at another site, such as the publisher website. For example, ymay find an article in PubMed that links to the full text at a publisher site such as Wiley or Elsevier.
  • WCSU Journals: Ways to locate individual journals.