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Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

Find Single Journal

If you already know the title of an article and/or the journal in which it is published, and you want to go right to the journal, you can see if we have it in a few places:

  • Journal Finder: Use Journal Finder to see if we have a journal you want in electronic or print format.
  • Or you can search in a Database, such as PubMed or PsycINFO, for articles in a particular journal.

You can search for a journal within a database, such as PubMed, PsycINFO, or Education Research Complete. Just type the name of the journal into the search box. Below is an example using PsycINFO.

Search results show 3,961 results in JEAB. One can scroll through them one by one, or add additional search terms to find articles of interest.

Free Journals

Many of these might be in the WCSU  Journal Finder, but if desired you can go to these websites as well to see what's available.

  • Hirewire Press Free Full-Text Science Archives
    HighWire Press at Stanford University develops and maintains the Web versions of important journals in a variety of disciplines.
  • Directory of Open Access Journals
    The aim of the Directory of Open Access Journals is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact.

Retrieving Articles

Depending on the database or journal you are using there will be different options to obtain the text of an actual article. Many databases have a  links button or full text link, examples as seen below. Usually these links will bring you to the article.


If the article is not available in the database, the link will bring you will bring you to a page such as the ones below with other options. In some cases the article will be available in another database or in print form. In other cases you will have to order it via interlibrary loan.

Available at other databases (highlighted in yellow):

Available through interlibrary loan: