The main tool for finding and using books available through the library is WestSearch, a discovery tool available on the library homepage. Using Advanced Search provides more options in your search. Signing in by clicking on the box in the upper right-hand corner gives even more options - saving searches and search results, accessing e-books and articles available only to WCSU students.
By default, your search will be limited to WCSU Libraries, but if desired you can expand your search to all Connecticut State Universities and College (CSCU) Libraries by using the drop-down menu.
If you have a title that is not owned by any of the CSU libraries you can borrow it through interlibrary loan. Fil in the ILL form with author, title and any other information on item that you have.
Before requesting an Interlibrary Loan for the first time, please discuss your information needs with the librarian at the Reference Desk. We may be able to find other items which are currently available that may satisfy your information needs.
Advanced Search - Default settings
Use search terms that best characterize your interest. Change Material type to Books.
Sample search, looking for books about quantitative research. Search terms quantitative and research.
The search above came back with about 2,500 results. I want to obtain fewer results with more focus. I can do this by changing the search field from Any Field to Title (or to Subject), as seen below.
Search Results (139 results)
Here is an example of a Book Record in WestSearch, in this case for an eBook. Note the ability to obtain a citation for the book as well as link to it in WestSearch. There is also a link to the Full-text at Ebsco. And lastly, notice the list of subjects that are associated with the book. Clicking on a subject, in the actual record, will bring you to all other books associated with the subject.
This second example is for a print book. It has the same features for obtaining a citation. Notice there is also a Call Number: H62 .S244 2011. This will help you find the physical book in the library. Note: Call Numbers beginning with A-N are on the 4th floor in Haas, while P-Z are on 5th floor. You can obtain help locating items from the Circulation Desk on the first floor.
Search and view thousands of full text eBooks.