Contemporary Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications by William F. Arens; Michael F. WeigoldCall Number: Robert S. Young Library ON RESERVE HF5821 .B62 2024
ISBN: 9781266128882
Publication Date: 2023-01-01
The rate of change in advertising and IMC over the past several years has been continued to be MASSIVE. Weigold/Arens, Contemporary Advertising 17th has been revised to include the latest trends and industry disruptors impacting the world of advertising today. - Our biggest changes are significantly more discussion of digital media in IMC and advertising throughout the book and specifically in the chapters on creative, media, and social media with the help of experts in these disciplines. - This edition includes greater attention to ongoing issues of consumer privacy and data protection as well as ethics, diversity, and inclusion in the industry. - Digital disruption is featured in new content on cable's biggest competitor, streaming or OTT video. Also, Chapter 13, formerly "Using Electronic Media: Television and Radio," is now titled "Using Audio and Video Media," reflecting how television is no longer the primary medium for video and how branded opportunities in audio include far more than radio.