Indexes critical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, and folklore. Includes journal articles, series, monographs, dissertations, bibliographies, proceedings and other materials.
This multi-disciplinary database has records for nearly 18,000 periodicals - journals, magazines, and newspapers - of which nearly 16,000 are peer reviewed. It provides full text for more than 5,000 journals, and you can use Journal Finder to locate articles that do not have a PDF readily available.
OpenDissertations now includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database with records for more than 1.2 million electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. Full text of dissertations available by clicking on URL in each record to link to participating institution's digital collection.
Digital access to texts, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music in the collections of the Library of Congress and other federal government agencies, documenting the American experience. Arranged by topic, American Memory is also keywords searchable.
World's most comprehensive full text history reference database designed for secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges, and undergraduate research. The database features full text for books, encyclopedias, journal articles, and documents.
Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1925 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.
A searchable historical collection of Brooklyn newspapers - The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1841-1955), Brooklyn Life (1890-1924) and Brooklyn Life and Activities of Long Island Society (1924 -1931) made available by the Brooklyn Public Library.
This ProQuest website features select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history and the ongoing fight against racial injustice in the U.S. The documents presented here represent a selection of resources available in several ProQuest databases including American Periodicals, Black Abolitionist Papers, ProQuest History Vault, ProQuest Congressional, Supreme Court Insight, and Alexander Street’s Black Thought and Culture.