Scholarly Journal Articles: Key Resources for the Study of Nursing Education
Accessing scholarly journal literature relevant to study of nursing education will be a critical part of your doctoral coursework and dissertation literature review.
Journal articles in print and electronic form are generally regarded as the highest quality research materials, as most journals are peer-reviewed. That means that an editorial board of experts and expert field reviewers evaluate each manuscript submitted to the journal, and only those manuscripts meeting established quality standards will be published.
A review of the scholarly journal literature in your area of interest provides you with the current theoretical and scientific knowledge about a particular problem, enabling you the synthesize what is known and not known.
As a student in the Nursing Education doctoral program, you have access to rich scholarly journal resources through SCSU and WCSU Libraries--much of it online! Explore this guide to become familiar with journals in the field of nursing education, and ways of accessing the journal literature through our databases and search tools.
Please contact a librarian if you would like more information or need to schedule a research consultation!